T H E V A L U E of R E L A T I O N S H I P is inestimable and the value in relationship is mind boggling, its essence not found in its bind but in its bond. That’s my conclusion of the whole matter. You might have noticed that I like to open my treatise from a conclusion standpoint and work my way up to the introduction part. I believe that the conclusion isn’t just the final word but also a condensed statement of the text, summarizing the thrust of the discussion. So I open up my conclusion first to introduce a caption which I hope captivates (attracts and…

My Thoughts on Relationship

Continue Reading My Thoughts on Relationship

My Thoughts of Relationship. R E L A T I O N S H I P S was designed with you in mind. That's my conclusion of the whole matter. I once gave a definition of relationship in a gathering. I said “Relationships are ships we all get into for a purpose - to relate.” Everyone laughed but a flash back to that statement brings to light the truth in it. Advanced Learner’s Dictionary defines relationship as the way in which two or more things (living or non-living) are connected and affect each other. This invariably connotes a point of contact within a system, for a period of time, to bring about a positive…

My Thoughts on Relationship

Continue Reading My Thoughts on Relationship

R E L A T I O N S H I P S was designed with you in mind. That's my conclusion of the whole matter. I once gave a definition of relationship in a gathering. I said “Relationships are ships we all get into for a purpose - to relate.” Everyone laughed but a flash back to that statement brings to light the truth in it. Advanced Learner’s Dictionary defines relationship as the way in which two or more things (living or non-living) are connected and affect each other. This invariably connotes a point of contact within a system, for a period of time, to bring about a positive or negative result due…